Challenge Accomplished?
5 months ago, I set a challenge to write 5 apps in 5 months. They weren’t meant to be industry game changers or startups or even well written. They were just meant to change the imposter syndrome mindset and get me writing more code. 5 months later, I have written 2 functional apps, I have a functional frame work for another, and I have another that I have decided to throw out the window. And I am ok with that. Nothing that I came up with was life changing, and at the end of the day, it made me realise just how much I don’t know when it comes to programming, setting up a server, and overall architecture. So, I took stock. What would it take for me to step up my game and become a formidable presence in the tech sector? A team with different levels of experience and backgrounds When I started my first real developing position, I was so eager to get in and get coding, I didn’t really stop to think much about the structure or composition of the team. While a dev team with one se...